Friday, January 15, 2010

"Marginalia" for Writing

So far this year, I have implemented the think-aloud, read-aloud, even dozen, and marginalia strategies that were modeled at the iTune into Literacy Conference. Marginalia has been most effective for responding to text in my writing classes. I introduced this technique with a couple of model essays; students wrote comments and questions in the margins as they read and then discussed their thoughts with a partner. Recently, my students composed a compare and contrast essay. I had them peer review using Marginalia. They were required to write at least one commendation, one question, and one recommendation on their partner's paper. I plan to continue modifying this strategy to use as we approach our SOL test in March.


  1. Wonderful detail on how Marginalia is working for your students. I used that strategy and a few others several times with my 1st semester science students. I can definitely say that their attention and comprehension was enhanced because of it. Also, it helped to know that my English counterpart was using the same strategy. Teamwork makes the dreamwork!!!

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