Sunday, September 26, 2010

SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) = AWESOME!!

After going to the I-Tunes literacy conference and discussing the benefits of SSR with my colleagues, my English department has adapted a mandatory SSR for the first ten to fifteen minutes of each class. The SSR time is awesome; I find that it is a time for all of us, including myself, to partake in the exercise of reading. Even some of my most challenging students are enjoying the time. I also love that the students pick up books and start reading when they are finished with their assignments. I absolutely love SSR, and I can already tell that my students are reaping the benefits of it.

1 comment:

  1. Alex,
    I am so glad that SSR is working in your classes! The students are loving this! I think it is really going to help our SOL score. We want students to put on miles as readers. More magazines are on their way! I think we will go school wide if not district wide by next year!
