Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Great start

Hello All,

As the new school year geared up, I used some of the get-to-know-you activities, such as People Hunt, SWBS. I also downloaded music to my Ipod and as the students are working on an assignment, I play the music (old school hits, of course). My 8th grade administrator has come in several times and she has shared with the rest of the 8th grade teachers the music I use and how focused the students are on their lesson.

When I do a lab with my students, I will let them know that they have to finish the lab in 2 -3 songs. What a great way to actually keep them focused.


  1. I have also been using my Ipod in the classroom and it is amazing. I play songs to introduce stories. An example is MJ's "I'm Bad" before we read a story about a troublesome kid in school. I also use the songs instead of a timer. Right now I have been playing a lot of Beatles and Elvis as we are reading The Outsiders. I encourage people to give it a try.

  2. You all have been giving alot of good examples of how using the IPOD in the classroom has worked for you. I was trying to figure out how to incorporate it into my day to day activities. We are beginning the poetry unit next week and I think I will have the students make connections between music and poetry. I will let you know how it goes.....
