Friday, October 29, 2010

Late in the Game

Due to scheduling, I just received a whole new class of students last week. The getting to know you activities were a lifesaver. I had to get to know my new students very quickly, because they are the one group that I will have everyday. The bingo sheet as well as a few other really helped me out the first 2 classes. They definitely helped me build community more quickly in my classroom.


  1. It's really rough to gain a new class several weeks into the schoolyear! I'm sure you were relieved to have the new getting to know you activitiesready to go. I know that I felt more confident to have some new getting to know you activities to use. The students also responded really well and it definitely set a positive tone.

  2. It is very hard to have new students enter your class throughout the year and I can't imagine gaining an entire class.It is very good to have resources at your disposal that will get the students involved throughout the class.
